The intersection of language and politics has long been a source of contention in Quebec, with the call to “protect the French language” often presented as a sort of political imperative. In spite of the steady growth of Quebec’s total francophone population, concerns of French’s supposed decline have intensified in[Read More…]
Tag: language laws
We need collective action against Quebec’s push for financially inaccessible education
On Oct. 13, the Quebec government announced that tuition for incoming out-of-province Canadian students hoping to study at Quebec universities would double, at both anglophone and francophone post-secondary institutions. This measure will come into effect for all incoming students in Fall 2024 and would entirely reshape the province’s educational landscape.[Read More…]
It’s time for a new approach to the language debate
I grew up in a predominantly anglophone West Island suburb. Although my parents’ eligibility under Quebec’s education regulations allowed me to attend English school, a significant portion of my elementary and high school education was in French. But as each year passed and the curriculum changed, I had less and[Read More…]
Alarmism about the extinction of French is alive and well
On Nov. 13, the Journal de Montreal published a synopsis by journalist Marie-Lise Mormina about her investigation into the language customers were being greeted and served with in retail stores and restaurants. The full report, which was published the next day, brought Montreal’s ever-present language debate back to the forefront of[Read More…]