Tag: Legislative council

SSMU Legislative Council discusses updates on Black Student Inclusion policy, MoA renegotiation, and First Year Council election

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) held its fourth Legislative Council meeting of the year on Thursday, Feb. 27, discussing a Black Student Inclusion policy, Coucillor updates, and the granting of full status to several McGill clubs.  The meeting began with an announcement from a representative of Agence Voltaic,[Read More…]

SSMU Legislative Council learns SACOMSS failed internal review of services

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council convened for its second-to-last meeting of the 2023-2024 academic year on Thursday, April 4. The meeting saw reports on the First Year Council (FYC), Library Improvement Fund Committee, Environment Committee, Services Review Committee, and Varsity Council; a presentation of the 2024-2025[Read More…]

SSMU Legislative Council approves SSMU statement for empathy and against doxxing

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) gathered on Nov. 9 for its fifth Legislative Council meeting of the semester. Members of the council discussed students’ responses to tuition hikes, issues of food security on campus, and a potential statement in response to the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict.  The meeting started[Read More…]

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