It’s official: Baylor University is the master of subterfuge. At a time when sports media is ever more scrutinous of allegations of sexual assault and misconduct by high-profile players, Baylor managed to keep its case of sexual assault away from the headlines. One of the best college football programs in the[Read More…]
Tag: mcgill
A guide to choosing a graduate school supervisor
When picking a graduate school, many students spend hours scrutinizing the location, the size, and the prestige of the school they’re interested in attending. When picking a supervisor however, many students do not invest the same amount of time and effort into their choice and often end up[Read More…]
Design in the university context: The ethical implications of McGill’s iconography
The world is saturated with imagery that dictates ideologies. Brand loyalty cultivated by familiar icons affects cultural, political, and individual identity. “There’s a reason that Coca Cola has barely changed its logo in 120 years,” Christopher Moore, professor of Design and Computation Arts at Concordia University said. “It gives a[Read More…]
McGill Principal Suzanne Fortier responds to failed BDS motion
The passage of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) motion at the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter 2016 General Assembly (GA), and its subsequent failure in an online ratification period, has garnered a variety of reactions among the McGill community—including the administration’s condemnation of the university’s participation in[Read More…]
Letter to the editor: Tuition deregulation is a gamble at best, destructive at worst
The Tribune’s editorial, “Deregulation at McGill should not necessitate an increase in international student tuition,” is inaccurate and unrealistic in depicting what tuition deregulation would entail for students. First, it fails to clearly differentiate between equalization and deregulation policies; it is possible to eliminate the equalization model in Quebec without[Read More…]
Wellness Recovery Action Plan offers alternative to McGill’s Mental Health Services
Over the past five years, the McGill Mental Health Services (MMHS) has seen a 35 per cent increase in students seeking help. According to McGill’s Mental Health Education Coordinator Emily Yung, one in 11 McGill students in the past academic year are reported to have used MMHS services. The Wellness[Read More…]
Students opinions considered in McGill bookstore’s future
In Fall 2014, the McGill Bookstore announced its plan to move to a new, undetermined location on campus to allow the Faculty of Management to expand into the location by Winter 2016. In an effort to gain student perspective on potential changes, bookstore management installed white boards in various buildings[Read More…]
Letter to the editor: Crowdfunding and austerity
Thank you for your thoughtful editorial on the relationship between philanthropy and government funding (“When austerity strikes, McGill turns to crowdfunding,” Feb. 9). I agree wholeheartedly with your central argument that fundraising – whether through crowdfunding or other mechanisms – is no substitute for a government funding model that fully[Read More…]
Whine and cheese
There is no denying that access to professors is the foundation of a successful university experience: They offer advice, answer questions, and provide students with the resources they need to reach their goals, such as letters of reference and research opportunities. For the average undergraduate, however, there are only so[Read More…]
McGill’s Board of Governors interrupted by Divest McGill
Members of Divest McGill interrupted the McGill Board of Governors’ (BoG) first meeting of the new year on Feb. 11. The students demanded recognition of their petition to remove university investments from the fossil fuel industry, presenting it as an opportunity to work with the board towards making McGill a[Read More…]