While the beginning of a new school year is usually synonymous with the unknown and doubts about what’s to come, the stars may already have a glimpse of what this semester will look like for you. Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19): Get ready to enter your fashion era. Like[Read More…]
Tag: mcgill
Students walk out of classes to compel McGill to cut financial ties with Israeli state
More than 150 students walked out of classes and gathered in front of the James Administration Building at 1 p.m. on Aug. 30 to protest McGill’s complicity in the genocide of Palestinians and to demand divestment from companies and academic institutions with financial ties to the Israeli military. Protestors filed[Read More…]
Navigating add/drop period with confidence
Choosing classes at the beginning of a new semester is always challenging. Whether this is your first or last year at McGill, the vast array of course options can easily be overwhelming. Luckily, the add/drop period gives students the opportunity to add and drop classes from their schedule after trying[Read More…]
Empowering women in engineering: Stories for women, by women
In the evolving landscape of science and technology, women in engineering are driving innovation and shaping the future of the field. Despite progress in gender equality in STEM, women continue to face unique challenges, such as overcoming stereotypes about gender roles and underrepresentation in certain fields. To gain insight into[Read More…]
With great power comes great responsibility 
As students have the privilege of returning to campuses across Canada, I can’t help but think of Medo Halimy. The 19-year-old documented his daily life through the siege on Gaza, bringing awareness to the genocide of Palestinians and sharing moments of Palestinian resilience and joy. On Aug. 27, Israeli airstrikes[Read More…]
McGill begins fall term without Faculty of Law
McGill began the fall semester on Aug. 28 with its Law professors on strike. The Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL) first called the strike in April amidst a stalemate in their collective agreement (CA) negotiations with McGill. AMPL then decided to pause their strike in June when McGill[Read More…]
American students should be grateful for McGill’s rigid grading policies
In the past decade, there has been a massive uptick in average university grade point averages (GPAs) in the United States (most notably) but also in countries such as the United Kingdom. This data became especially alarming after university reports identified top U.S. universities such as Yale and Harvard as[Read More…]
McGill restricted access to campus after dismantling the Palestine Solidarity Encampment, some say it was unwarranted
McGill closed its downtown campus to public use as the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) officers and private security firm, SIRCO, dismantled the 75-day Palestine solidarity encampment in the early hours of July 10. Beginning the same day, all buildings were closed to students, courses were[Read More…]
McGill administration dismantles Palestine solidarity encampment after 75 days
In the early hours of July 10, police swarmed the lower field of McGill’s downtown campus to dismantle the student-led Palestine solidarity encampment. After being forced out, campers protested under the rain on Rue Sherbrooke alongside supporters from the broader Montreal community. The action by McGill’s administration brought an end[Read More…]
Protestors occupy James Administration Building, demanding McGill heed encampment’s calls for divestment
At roughly 4:00 p.m. on June 6, student protestors occupied the James Administration Building to demand that McGill divest from companies complicit in the Israeli genocide of Palestinians. Protestors obstructed doors to the building using materials such as metal fencing and blocked paths leading to the entrance by standing side[Read More…]