Tag: mcgill

Grounds for delight

As winter rolls in, my gait has begun to resemble the shuffle of a dejected penguin. Head permanently bowed for fear that one poorly planned step will result in death by slippage, my walks to campus now provoke a deep sense of mourning for warmer, and more posturally vertical, days[Read More…]

Public health experts propose strategies to tackle misinformation at McGill event

On Nov. 23, McGill’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences hosted an event titled “How do we handle disinformation agents in public health? Understanding the challenges and tackling mis and disinformation in public health.” The faculty invited public health experts from universities across Canada to discuss the rise in health[Read More…]

AGSEM completes contentious fifth round of negotiations over TA contracts with McGill

Content Warning: Discrimination, sexual violence A fifth round of negotiations between McGill and the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) over teaching assistants (TAs)’ collective contract took place  on Nov. 22. According to a press release sent to The Tribune by AGSEM, the primary issue on the table[Read More…]

Student journalism must serve as an example for mainstream media on responsible reporting

Student journalism has a long, rich history of on-the-ground reporting of university-related issues. McGill’s first newspaper, The McGill Gazette, began in 1874, and today’s vibrant publications maintain this legacy. In light of recent violence in Israel and Palestine, rising tensions on campuses have illuminated the division and bias that mainstream[Read More…]

Point-Counterpoint: McGill’s decision to pause its $50 million French program

McGill must teach Legault a lesson – Liliana Mason  Following the Quebec government’s Oct. 13 announcement of a tuition hike for out-of-province and international students, the McGill administration announced a pause to its $50 million Rayonnement du Français initiative—set to teach both students, faculty and staff French and help them[Read More…]

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