Tag: mcgill

Physical books are worth their cost

The holiday season is approaching, and as many people start the scramble to find gifts for loved ones, friends, or coworkers, a harsh discovery awaits them. Tried and true, books have remained one of the best gifts to give on any occasion, the perfect balance between thoughtful and casual. However,[Read More…]

SSMU’s private failings should be public

On Nov. 8, The McGill Daily published an article detailing their efforts to investigate Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) president Darshan Daryanani’s ongoing absence. After reaching out to several councillors and staff as part of their investigation, Daily journalists received a hostile email from vice-president (VP) Internal Sarah Paulin,[Read More…]

Say my name (right)

At the start of every school year, my high school held a special assembly to honour seniors. Every senior was called up one by one by the principal to grab special red ties, meant to symbolize their maturity. In my last year, I was so excited for the assembly. But[Read More…]

McGill ends COVID-19 emergency response, transitions to recovery response

The McGill administration announced on Nov. 1 that its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), the administrative body coordinating the university’s COVID-19 response, had been deactivated. The announcement, sent in a university-wide email, explained that the university is officially transitioning to a “recovery and resumption” response, with all COVID-19 matters now to[Read More…]

Rapid COVID-19 testing project among several new COVID on campus

McGill introduced a series of updated COVID-19 policies and initiatives late October and early November, including a  vaccine passport requirement for entering libraries, an updated self-assessment form, and a rapid COVID-19 testing project. The updated protocols accompany the university’s transition from “emergency response” to “recovery and resumption.” As of Oct.[Read More…]

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