Tag: mcgill
Financial transparency is severely lacking at SSMU
Students are now in the homestretch of the Winter semester, but there is one obstacle: Election season. Over the next two weeks, McGill will be treated to another round of prospective Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) executives for the 2018-2019 school year. Student politicians have often tried to earn[Read More…]
Why students don’t care about SSMU
It’s that time of year again: Your friends from rez and frosh are inviting you to Facebook events and announcing their candidacy for various Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) positions. But, despite their well-lit headshots and carefully-worded bios and platforms, voter turnout in recent SSMU elections suggests that most[Read More…]
Solin Hall is the rez we should all want to live in
How can we, as students, push for a more sustainable McGill? New progress at Solin hall provides a map to collaborating with McGill and making our residences, and our school, more sustainable.
Hop of Progress
Inclusive hiring requires more than a quota
Dalhousie University has recently come under fire for limiting its search for a new vice-provost student affairs to “racially visible persons and Aboriginal peoples,” in an effort to boost minority faculty representation. Critics have condemned the policy as discriminatory against white people, and argue that hiring based on race, rather than[Read More…]
How to avoid being the most hated person at the gym
Making the trek to the McGill gym is a pain: From finding the time and motivation to get out the door to walking up the vicious hill in icy weather, just getting there can feel like the hardest part. But, once there, dodging the strange cast of characters at the[Read More…]
Fokus Film Festival showcases its 12th year of student filmmaking
For the past 12 years, the Fokus Film Festival has served as a showcase for student filmmaking in the Montreal community. On Feb. 23, Student TV at McGill (TVM) presented the annual film festival at Cinema du Parc before a panel of professors and film connoisseurs alike. Despite technical difficulties,[Read More…]
Life Before Digital captures the day to day life of a bygone era
Life Before Digital, on display at the McCord Museum, is a collection by Montreal photographer Michel Campeau. Composed of film photography created between 2015 to 2017, the collection comprises colour and silver-print photographs of a time before the digital era. Campeau, who studied photography at Concordia University, gained notoriety for[Read More…]
Album Review: Belle and Sebastian – How To Solve Our Human Problems (Part 3)
Scottish indie darlings Belle and Sebastian have returned with a musical gift for the new year: Since December, the Glasgow six-piece band has released an EP every month, culminating with the final release of How To Solve Our Human Problems (Part 3) on Feb. 16. While the EP shares its name[Read More…]