For entering students, university is a drastic change from the good old high school days. Following Frosh leaders and fellow Froshies to the SAQ store is, essentially, an initiation into the adult world. Long gone are the parental wake-up calls and the mandatory school activities. Some will breathe a sigh[Read More…]
Tag: mcgill
McGill University releases Draft Policy against Sexual Violence
McGill University has released a draft of its Policy against Sexual Violence as of the morning of Monday, Sept. 12. The draft comes after a consultation period, which started in April, during which the university sought feedback from various campus groups, including the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and[Read More…]
McTavish blocked by City of Montreal construction
Projects to continue through Spring 2017 Major construction projects on and around McGill’s downtown campus are set to cause inconveniences and challenges for students lasting through the 2016-2017 year. The City of Montreal’s Promenade Fleuve-Montagne urban project–part of next year’s 375th anniversary celebration of the city’s founding–is a beautification initiative[Read More…]
Measuring McGill: The facts and flaws behind international university rankings
Renowned authorities such as the Times Higher Education (THE) and the Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR) have attributed many different rankings to McGill in the past year. With such an onslaught of conflicting figures—sixty-fourth, forty-second, thirty-eighth, thirty-fifth, twenty-fourth—McGill’s position as a leading academic institution is becoming more and more[Read More…]
McGill Governance 101
McGill University has an extensive system of governance bodies that manage its affairs from the undergraduate level up to administration. Making sense of this immensely complicated system is challenging to the untrained student, so we’re here to help you understand the who’s and what’s of this year’s campus politics. SSMU[Read More…]
A safe academic setting need not stifle free speech
As the semester began at the University of Chicago, incoming students received a letter from Dean of Students John “Jay” Elison stating the administration’s staunch opposition to safe spaces and trigger warnings. The letter, and its ensuing criticism, is another example of the polarizing debate surrounding these terms. As the[Read More…]
Life in the slow lane: Construction at McGill, again
In Montreal, construction has long since become the rule, rather than the exception. As such, it is fitting that Montreal’s 375th birthday next year is being brought to us by more orange cones, roadblocks, and detours for the construction of the Promenade Urbaine Fleuve-Montagne project. Perhaps it really is time[Read More…]
Fiddling around: McGill Shulich School of Music students move from performance halls to the streets
During the school year, students in McGill’s Shulich School of Music seldom take a break from rehearsing and performing. Finding themselves unoccupied after the chaos of the school year, Rebecca Jacobson and McKenna Glorioso, both U3 Violin Performance in McGill’s Schulich School of Music, seized the opportunity to test the waters[Read More…]
McGill’s non-indigenous allies must reexamine their efforts
Non-indigenous allies at McGill need to be conscious of their actions and intentions. These allies often wish to act in solidarity with indigenous peoples and students. They are usually well-intentioned, and the solidarity is greatly appreciated—so long as allies do not overstep their boundaries. A few ways in which I’ve[Read More…]
Four Redmen players represent McGill at annual East-West Bowl
On Saturday, May 14, McGill hosted the 14th annual East-West Bowl, an all-star game and showcase featuring the season’s top football prospects from Canadian universities. Four McGill players entering their senior year played with and against rival CIS talent from around the league. Offensive lineman Qadr Spooner, defensive back Charles-William[Read More…]