Tag: mcgill

Snowden revelations: The paradox of McGill students’ support for free expression and hostility towards AMUSE

The Nov. 2 live video lecture of Edward Snowden—the famous whistleblower who leaked NSA documents on mass government surveillance—was eagerly anticipated by many at McGill and within the Greater Montreal community. However, few were expecting a mosh pit of students trying to force their way into the lecture, nor the[Read More…]

QPIRG-McGill runs Existence Referendum

From Nov. 3 to Nov. 8, the McGill branch of the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG-McGill) is running an existence referendum to determine whether students will continue to fund QPIRG-McGill through an opt-outable student fee of $5.00 per semester. QPIRG was established at McGill as a student club in 1980[Read More…]

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