Tag: pgss

Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Executive Midterm Reviews 2020-2021

Maria Tippler, Secretary-General Despite taking up the PGSS Secretary-General position in early October, Tippler has initiated  several advocacy, administrative, and support projects this semester. On the advocacy front, Tippler has focussed on accreditations and tuition fee deregulations, WorkDay HR technical issues, and Bill 21. On the administrative side, Tippler has[Read More…]

Martlet holding a gavel illustration

McGill Governance 101

STUDENTS’ SOCIETY OF MCGILL UNIVERSITY (SSMU) What it does: SSMU is McGill’s highest level of student government responsible for supervising undergraduate clubs and extracurricular activities, managing and ensuring the sustainability of long-term operations such as the student bar Gerts’, advocating for student interests in the McGill Senate, and planning social[Read More…]

PGSS 2020–2021 Executive Endorsements

The McGill Tribune presents its endorsements for the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) 2020/2021 executive team.  Internal Affairs Officer:  Yes  Gustina Giordano is a masters student in Educational Psychology running for the position of Internal Affairs Officer. During her undergraduate years, also completed at McGill, she worked with several campus organizations,[Read More…]

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