McGill Campus Life and Engagement (CLE) recently opened leader-volunteer applications for freshmen orientation events. With the university’s decision to delay the Fall 2025 move-in date for first-year students in the downtown campus by one week to Aug. 23 and Aug. 24, many McGill students have expressed concerns over the schedules[Read More…]
Tag: residence
Student living at La Citadelle claims lack of support from McGill following the death of her roommate
Content Warning: Mentions of suicide Mabel,* U0 Arts, woke up in her shared dorm room in La Citadelle Residence on Jan. 11 and realized something was seriously wrong. In the moment, Mabel wasn’t sure who to turn to. With her friend Alex,* U0 Arts, Mabel decided to go down to[Read More…]
Quebec rental tribunal recommends record rent rate increase
On Jan. 21, Quebec’s Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL) announced that its recommended rent increase rate for 2025 was 5.9 per cent for units that do not include paid heating, and between 4.1 and 5.5 per cent for units that include heating in the rent. While this recommended increase rate[Read More…]
Rodents run rampant in McGill residences
At 2:30 a.m. on June 26, Tobias Gurl, a third-year master’s student in the Department of Family Medicine, woke up to the sound of a rat squealing and thrashing, its head stuck in a trap. Unsure what to do, Gurl swept the dying rat onto the fire escape of his[Read More…]
AMUSE condemns McGill’s decision to abolish Floor Fellow position as of Fall 2024 semester
On Feb. 15, McGill called Floor Fellows to a Zoom meeting during which the university informed them that the Floor Fellow position was going to be abolished, effective next semester. While McGill claims that the decision was made with the best interest of students in mind, the union that represents[Read More…]
Floor fellows file grievance against McGill over poor working conditions
The union representing floor fellows at McGill, the Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE), has filed a grievance against the university over changes to floor fellows’ accommodations. Floor fellows are upper-year students hired to live in residences and support the primarily first-year students living there, who are often new[Read More…]
Residence staff deserve more respectful conduct from first years
In popular media, dorm life is represented as the pinnacle of the student experience. However, often forgotten are those who make this experience possible. Light must be shed on the pillars of residence life: The staff. As thousands of McGillians are returning to Montreal, many of whom are arriving on[Read More…]
Why I’m nervous about upper residence room inspections
I have come to the conclusion that it’s in my best interest to be honest with you, my dear friend and room inspector. Though I’ve been hiding my true feelings, I must admit that I’m very worried about the upcoming room inspections of Molson Hall. While I’m not concerned about[Read More…]
The mandatory meal plan should be taken off the table
Cramped dorm rooms, unknown roommates, and questionable cafeteria food are all pillars of the first-year university student experience. However, in enforcing a mandatory meal plan for all students in residence, except for those in Solin Hall and the MORE houses, McGill stifles student autonomy. Meal plans are not mandatory at[Read More…]
Residence exclusions highlight McGill’s negligence
On Jan. 25, between 15 and 20 students were temporarily excluded from McGill residences due to alleged violations of COVID-19 residence safety protocols. They were given less than 24 hours notice and were stripped of their meal plans and student IDs, leaving them without access to McGill buildings, including cafeterias.[Read More…]