After the site was decommissioned in 2015, McGill has launched a proposal to renovate part of the Royal Victoria Hospital to create a state-of-the-art research, teaching, and learning hub dedicated to Sustainability Systems and Public Policy. The project was named the New Vic Project, and construction on the old Royal[Read More…]
Tag: royal victoria hospital
The Royal Victoria Hospital must remain in public hands
On Sept. 4, students joined forces with Milton-Parc residents to protest the privatization of the old Royal Victoria Hospital. The building’s fate has remained unclear since it was decommissioned in 2015. In July, it was converted into a shelter for the unhoused during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the City of[Read More…]
Emergency shelter to open for winter at former Royal Victoria Hospital
After a successful pilot project last winter, the overflow homeless shelter at the former Royal Victoria Hospital is set to reopen for another winter season. The emergency shelter will open its doors on Dec. 2, with around 150 beds available until April 15. The overflow shelter will be open to[Read More…]
Refugees flee the US for Canada, stay in Royal Victoria Hospital
Fearing the revocation of their protected status, thousands of refugees have fled the United States for Canada. While the number of refugees coming per day has dropped since August, processing times are still high, and Montreal is responding to the influx of asylum seekers with temporary housing across the city—including[Read More…]
The future of the RVH site
In September, Principal Suzanne Fortier announced the creation of the principal’s task force on the academic vision and mission of the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) site. According to the task force’s website, it is an initiative to involve community members at McGill in determining the details of the potential purchase[Read More…]
McGill 101: How to get career experience in the sciences
Deciding what to do after graduation is hard for all undergraduates. While some are blessed with the secure knowledge of what their future holds, for most, that’s not the case. For Science students, the most common choices are graduate or medical school. While undergraduate studies, for the most part, provide[Read More…]
PGSS discusses McGill’s potential acquisition of Royal Victoria Hospital
Ratification of Secretary-General’s resignation The Council passed a motion to ratify Juan Pinto’s resignation from the position of the Secretary-General. Pinto will officially leave his position on Feb. 16. Future of Royal Victoria Hospital McGill Vice-Principal (Communications and External Relations) Olivier Marcil spoke to the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) Council to discuss future[Read More…]