The number of social media influencers has ballooned in recent years, with TikTok alone reporting over a million creators. But which McGillians are joining the trend? Who among the student body documents campus construction, fieldhouse exams, and library crash-outs? The Tribune interviewed three students who post their daily lives—and more—online,[Read More…]
Tag: Social Media
Canada’s Online News Act is failing student journalism
When The Tribune’s Instagram account went dark last week, it wasn’t just a platform that disappeared: It was a bridge between the newsroom and the McGill community. As social media giants such as Instagram and Facebook block news content in Canada, university newspapers face a critical setback caused by the[Read More…]
Social media signalling isn’t enough
In the wake of the U.S. election, my social media feed was flooded with reactions. Old classmates from my New Jersey high school shared Instagram Stories condemning Donald Trump, highlighting allegations against him, and denouncing his voters. These posts were swift and impassioned: An immediate outpouring of anger and grief.[Read More…]
Think your partner is anxious-avoidant? Think again.
With pop psychology invading every social media platform, the line between self-help and self-sabotage has never been so thin. Pop psychology refers to psychological theories, strategies, or concepts popularized through the media—particularly social media. From attachment style assessments that can make or break your dating life to the allure of[Read More…]
Activism must be shaped beyond spectacle
A few weeks ago, my professor began our history seminar on Black Internationalism by asking if we had ever imagined ourselves or our families enslaved. Given the subject matter of the class, the question wasn’t necessarily surprising, but I found it unnecessary. As upper-year history students, hadn’t we learned that[Read More…]
Curating the perfect photo dump
For painting, it was the self-portrait. For sculpture, the bust. For movies, the film noir. Every art form has an influential format that forever changes the medium, yet none can compare with the format that has taken the art of social media posting by storm—the photo dump. A collection of[Read More…]
Are we well-informed at McGill?
In recent years, traditional media has continued its harrowing downward trajectory while audiences turn towards social media for news. On a campus like McGill’s, that emphasizes critical thinking and research skills, do students’ news-consumption habits reflect the digital age of 2024? Data from Statistics Canada in November 2023 revealed that[Read More…]
A snapshot of the perils of our phone-first recollection era
Photographs serve as timeless reminders of our lives and permanent homes for our precious memories. Without them, recollections fade unnoticed; so we snap pictures through joy and sorrow, to create a visual record of our journey through life. As cameras embedded in our cellphones have become an omnipresent part of[Read More…]
Are dumb phones a smart move?
A growing number of young adults are making the shift away from using smartphones in favour of “dumb,” or flip, phones. Some students make this transition only during exam periods, while others have committed to using these devices full-time. Despite the prevailing belief that the flip phone market has flatlined[Read More…]
Should I link in to LinkedIn?
In the workforce, employers often frame LinkedIn as an essential social media platform for those looking to enter the job market. For university students, LinkedIn’s most prominent features are its networking, job search, and job recruitment features, so most only join once they begin looking for internships or post-graduation employment.[Read More…]