Tag: ssmu

Margaret Scratcher

April Fools’ Issue 2015

The McGill Tribune presents its articles for its annual April Fools' Joke issue:  Stories   Margaret Scratcher claws her way up to SSMU presidency SSMU's global affairs votes reverberating across international borders Library Improvement Fund creates initiative to eliminate PDA Adriana Giordano selected first overall by Linguistics in Arts Draft[Read More…]

Quebec student federation FEUQ faces internal turmoil

Preliminary discussions of creating a new student federation are ongoing following disorder in one of the largest student federations in Quebec, the Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec (FEUQ). The  Fédération des associations étudiantes du campus de l’Université de Montréal (FAÉCUM), one of FEUQ’s largest member organizations, voted unanimously to leave[Read More…]

SSMU Building at McGill

Newly-elected VP Internal Lola Baraldi will not be invalidated, Elections SSMU announces

Elections SSMU announced on Thursday that  allegations of illegal campaigning by Lola Baraldi prior to her election as Vice-President Internal did not constitute sufficient grounds for invalidation, as ruled by the Elections Review Committee (ERC).  The VP Internal race was the closest in the 2015 Students’ Society of McGill University[Read More…]

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