Tag: sustainability

Breaking down silos: SUSAN’s global initiative to advance sustainability

From governance and policy to social sustainability and economics, solving global environmental issues demands collaboration across all fields.  Juan C. Serpa, Associate Professor of Operations Management at McGill, has constructed a groundbreaking initiative designed to bridge the gap between different academic disciplines, fostering collaboration in the fight for sustainability. His[Read More…]

SSMU VP Sustainability and Operations explains the role’s return after six-year vacancy

After six years of vacancy, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) reinstated the role of Vice President (VP) Sustainability and Operations this June. Hassanatou Koulibaly—who served as VP Student Life in the 2022-2023 academic year—currently holds the position after running unopposed in the 2022-2023 SSMU executive election. The VP[Read More…]

Exploring the groundbreaking architecture at the “Design for the Global Majority” exhibition

As the global housing crisis worsens, a revolutionary project spearheaded by the Minimum Cost Housing Group (MCHG) at McGill’s Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture promises to reverse the narrative. “Design for the Global Majority,” an exhibition happening on campus from Oct. 2 to 27, showcases affordable and sustainable housing[Read More…]

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