Lianna Canton Cusmano, Green Party of Canada For Cusmano, a spoken word poet, writer, and arts educator, the Green Party isn’t running on a one-issue platform. While the Greens’ focus on the environment is important to them, Cusmano was primarily motivated to run because of the experiences they have had[Read More…]
Tag: vote
Voting responsibly means voting sustainably
Just as abrupt changes in leaves’ colours herald the coming of winter, shifts in global environment signal that our world is on the cusp of a climate crisis. There is currently an insect apocalypse, and the drastic decline in global bird populations over the past few decades is starting to[Read More…]
Democrats Abroad at McGill host midterm election viewing
Democrats Abroad at McGill (DAM) hosted a midterm election viewing party on Nov. 6 at La P’tite Grenouille, where at least one hundred McGill students gathered to watch the votes come in. With each updated CNN projection, the group refocused on the screen and waited for results. Each Democrat success[Read More…]
Projet Montreal to pursue sustainability initiatives in Plateau-Mont Royal
Following Projet Montreal Leader Valérie Plante’s win in the city-wide mayoral election on Nov. 5, other Projet Montreal candidates swept elections for Borough Mayor, City Councillor, and Borough Councillor in Plateau-Mont-Royal on the same day. The candidates’ victories signal resounding approval of their platforms to improve the economic and environmental[Read More…]
Mayoral election pits upstart challenger against veteran incumbent
The Montreal mayoral election on Nov. 5 presents a choice between incumbent Denis Coderre of Équipe Coderre and Valérie Plante of Projet Montreal. Though most pundits predicted at the beginning of the year that Coderre would easily secure reelection, the most recent poll put him and Plante in a dead[Read More…]
A plea to Americans at McGill: Your vote counts, too
The New Hampshire first-in-the-nation primary on Feb. 9 kicks off a long election season with many opportunities to cast a ballot on a national, state, and local level; however, engaging in one’s civic duty may seem like a daunting task when living abroad. Each one of the 2,276 students of[Read More…]