The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council approved the Motion Regarding Amendment to the Constitution on Feb. 13. Two items of the motion are now up for student vote on the Winter 2025 Referendum ballot: The decision to hire instead of elect the SSMU Vice-President (VP) Finance, and[Read More…]
Tag: Voting
Selective apathy is undermining democracy
When the American election results rolled in, McGill’s campus witnessed a surge of political interest—students refreshing electoral maps in library corners, heated debates spilling out of lecture halls, and social media feeds flooded with political commentary. This heightened attention makes sense: not only does McGill host a significant American student[Read More…]
Through love, we can protect the heart of democracy
The first time I saw democracy in action, it was not through a cast vote, but a love letter to the future. Before I was old enough to vote, my mom and dad would bring me to the polling stations in my hometown of Barrie, Ontario to watch the events[Read More…]
Students vote to continue financing Daily Publications Society and the Sustainability Projects Fund
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) held its Fall 2022 Referendum from Nov. 14 to Nov. 18. The two questions on the online ballot were whether McGill’s undergraduate student body was still in favour of funding the Daily Publications Society (DPS) and the Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF). Both motions[Read More…]
Along Party Lines: Quebec’s provincial elections, explained
Introducing “Along Party Lines,” a new series at the The McGill Tribune aimed at unpacking Quebec and Canadian politics. Up first are the essential details you should know as Quebec’s provincial elections rapidly approach. Quebec provincial elections will take place in under a month on Oct. 3. In accordance with[Read More…]
Shattering the political illusion of Legault’s anti-immigrant policy
The Quebec provincial election campaign has officially kicked off and, as election day approaches on Oct. 3, voters have much to consider after a tumultuous four years. This fall, immigration is top of mind. Businesses want more immigrants to relieve the province’s major labour shortages, Bill 96 has stirred intense[Read More…]
Barrage of emails from Elections SSMU confuses voters
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Fall 2021 Referendum’s results were released on Nov. 15 following a string of technical errors and discrepancies in communication that resulted in widespread confusion. Initially, the voting period was scheduled to start on Nov. 8 and end on Nov. 12. However, a day[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: Student voting
Election season in Canada is underway once again. For many McGill students, it may be the first time they are eligible to vote; however, many still do not get to the polls. Lisa Drouillard, Director of Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement at Elections Canada, broke down student voter eligibility into simple[Read More…]
Voter Turnout
Why students don’t care about SSMU
It’s that time of year again: Your friends from rez and frosh are inviting you to Facebook events and announcing their candidacy for various Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) positions. But, despite their well-lit headshots and carefully-worded bios and platforms, voter turnout in recent SSMU elections suggests that most[Read More…]